Friday 14th and Sunday 16th June were our annual Clay Pigeon Shoot days. Both events took place at the picturesque Hulne Priory in Alnwick, and despite a couple of downpours, the location provided excellent conditions for shooting. Over £80,000 was raised across the weekend, which is just incredible!

Corporate Clays

Our sold-out Corporate Clay Pigeon Shoot on Friday was a terrific occasion. Our guests enjoyed a delicious bacon stottie, tea and coffee on arrival before heading out to the first of five stands for the shoot.

When the guns were quiet, everyone headed to the marquee for refreshments, followed by a sumptuous three-course meal with good company before the auction bidding wars began!

Tim Mitchie expertly hosted, with excellent prizes donated by our supporters. They ranged from VIP concert tickets, rounds of golf, hospitality at St James’ Park, a signed Newcastle United shirt to magnums of gin, wine and the obligatory teddies. There was some fierce competition between our generous guests, and we were amazed at the funds raised when it was all over. The kindly-donated raffle prizes were also a hit!

Final placings on the day were:

  1. Widdrington Game, 360
  2. DR Hydraulics & Engineering, 355
  3. Perspective (NE) Ltd, 350

Terrific skills on display, congratulations!

A Memorial Sunday

Sunday was the John Shallcross Memorial Shoot, with 31 teams competing.

We remembered our friend John Shallcross, a wonderful supporter, volunteer and trustee of NE Youth. John raised a legendary £1m during his 40 years’ involvement with us. John loved the Sunday shoot, so it was only natural that we named it in his honour following his passing.

After Breakfast and hot drinks, battle commenced at the traps! A few showers didn’t dampen spirits with the top three teams scoring highly. Everyone filled up at the delicious buffet and enjoyed some more friendly company during the auction.

Drew Patrick got each lot going as bidders went for prizes such as Clay days, a corporate box at Newcastle Racecourse for the day, Newcastle Eagles hospitality tickets and a weekend break in the Lakes. There was a raffle and a game of heads and tails, with lots of prizes taken home that day. Once again, our expectations were beaten as a huge amount was raised during the afternoon.

Final placings on the day were:

  1. R Thornton & Co., 370
  2. Silvermoor Equestrian Haylage, 364
  3. The Inn Collection Group, 363

Impressive scores from the winners, missing only five targets.

Across the weekend, we welcomed a grand total of 402 guests, with an amazing 64 teams competing for honours (and bragging rights) at the traps. Astounding support!

Sincere thanks

A huge thank you to our kind and generous sponsors and supporters, who helped make the weekend such a roaring success:


Perspective Financial Group Ltd
Story Homes
Supported by:
The Inn Collection Group
Bradley Hall
Northumberland Estates
Bywell Shooting Ground
R.Thornton & Co. Ltd.
Lindisfarne Homes
Ward Hadaway

Our terrific shoot committee’s dedication and energy in creating, organising and delivering the days are invaluable. Nick Dawe, Mick Thompson, Sean Donkin, Nick Heads, Gary Turner, John Henry, John Cooper and Bywell Shooting Ground – we can’t thank you enough.

Our sincere thanks also to Northumberland Estates for use of the use of the grounds, and The Inn Collection Group for providing and serving the refreshments.

Thanks also to the coaches, trappers and scorers for keeping things safe and on track, Nick Hubb (Hubbway) for the generators, Adam Pringle for the posh loos. Also to Nick Heads (R Thornton & Co. Ltd), for the skips, Bywell Shooting Ground for the set-up, Susan, Fiona & team (Friday catering), Virginia Steer & team (Virginia’s Bespoke Catering – Sunday), Bradley Hall (directional signage) and our auctioneers Tim Mitchie (Friday) and Drew Patrick (Sunday).

Last, but not least, to everyone who came together with support, equipment and expertise, our volunteers, donors and our guests at the shoot – a heartfelt thanks.

Every penny raised goes to supporting NE Youth in making a positive difference in the lives of young people in the North East.

We’ll be releasing dates for next year’s shoot very soon, so stay tuned to our events page!

A group of people aim shotguns in a dedicated shooting trap. The guns are pointed slightly upwards, ready to fire. They people are dressed in countryside attire, and all wear ear protectors. The backdrop is English countryside. Around 200 people are seated in a large white marquee tent. They are mostly white and in middle age. They are seated at round tables with food and drinks visible. A white male, well built in a light striped shirt, holds aloft a programme as he speaks to a room full of people through a microphone. He is an auctioneer. A woman points a shotgun upwards as she takes aim at a clay pigeon. An official hold her styeady as she is about to shoot. Four white men stand in a row, holding shotguns and cartridges as they prepare to shoot clay pigeons in a green countryside setting. A white man with short grey hair laughs at something off camera as he sits at an event surrounded by people. Two white men, one young and one old, give the camera a thumbs-up and a smile as they sit at a table. A smartly-dressed white woman in her forties with long wavy hair smiles at someone in the distance, Four older men walk back from a clay pigeon shoot dressed in country attire such as Barbour jackets. They are in a countryside setting, carrying coats and shotguns. One has his arms outstretched. A smiling group of men and women pose in a country setting.